mainly music

mainly music is a fun music group for parents and caregivers to enjoy together with their pre-schoolers.

Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills, as well as socialise with others.

Children are introduced to exciting and catchy music, creativity and more. It is also a great way to connect with other local families.

When does mainly music run?

We run on Wednesday mornings (10am) during school terms, including morning tea and an opportunity for the children to play. 

Contact Liz on 0409988276 to ask questions or book a space.

Morning tea is provided for the parents/carers, however we do ask that you bring along your own morning tea for your child.

How much does it cost?

We’d love to welcome you along to come and try mainly music.

Your first week is on us. Please come and be our guest.

If you love your first visit, we are sure you will, and want to come back each week, it is $6 per session payable by the term. Payment is online - bank transfer only.

We have limited places available each year. Contact Liz or email us to find out if there is space, or to go on our waiting list. 

How can I register to mainly music?

We have limited places available each year.

Please be aware that our program is very popular. If you visit, you are welcome to stay for that session but may need to go on a waiting list for future visits.

To find out if there is space, or to go on our waiting list, you can simply:

  • Contact Liz (0409988276)
  • Fill in the PDF form and email it back to us
  • Or fill in the digital registration form below

We hope to see you soon!

Download Registration PDF

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